Receiving from God

God has given us “all things that pertain to life and godliness” in and through His Word.


To receive from God, there are 5 key things to know and understand.  Just like any other field of endeavor, to get the most out of something requires knowing and following basic steps.  Fundamentals are necessary to being successful in life.  Why play hit and miss when you can have the knowledge and understanding to become expert in a field you want to master?  Once you have the basics down, you practice, practice, practice until you have it mastered.


2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is given by inspiration of God (God Breathed) and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.


God’s Word is no different, except the rewards can be much greater than academics or sports, for example, because it builds spiritual rewards as well as physical.  Life takes on much more meaning, and character, once you start building the spiritual into it, as well as the physical.


So, let’s take a look at these basics of “receiving from God:”
  1. What is available.
  2. How to receive it.
  3. What to do with it after you’ve gotten it.
  4. Needs and wants must be parallel.
  5. God’s ability equals His willingness.


We will dig into each one in detail.  But for now just know, the basics may seem simple, and they are, but you never get away from them.  Just build on them task by task, day by day.  Once you know and understand them, they will change your life when you make them a part of your daily thought pattern and begin acting on them.  When you see beneficial results, such as answer to prayer, prosperity, healing, power to effect desired results in your life… “all things that pertain to life and godliness,” remember?


See you in Church!
John Jernigan