What is God’s Will for Us?

Have you ever asked yourself “What is God’s will for my life?” Scripture comes to mind, as I ponder this question:
1 Tim 2:4 – “Who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
From this, God’s will for all men is to
1. Be saved.
2. Come to a knowledge of the truth.
Getting saved is supremely important in one’s life. That is the key that opens the door to Heaven. That is the first step to living a life by God’s way of doing things, salvation – Romans 10:9-10 = Confess (speak it) Jesus I make you Lord (master, you call the Shots) in my life, and I believe in my heart God has raised you from the dead. At that moment a miracle occurs. Your sins are forgiven, you become a new creation in Christ, spiritually. You’re headed for Heaven when you leave earth.  All this occurs in your spirit, but what about your soul (mind, will, emotions) and body (flesh)? Do those change automatically? I wish! 😃
If they did, why would we need 66 books of Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth?
Another scripture sheds more light on God’s will for us:
2 Tim 3:16 – “All scripture is (“God Breathed”) given by inspiration of God and is profitable for Doctrine, Reproof, and Correction, which is Instruction in Righteousness.”
THIS is THE knowledge of THE Truth from 2 Tim 3.
The next verse says why the Word was given:
2 Tim 3:17 – “That the Man of God might be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
The words perfect and perfected come from one word meaning “equip for the journey.”
I have a model of the Mayflower sitting in my office to remind me of this. When a sailing ship was outfitted for a trip, they had to fully stock it with food, water, provisions, weapons, ammunition, the right crew and captain, maps, gold, silver, clothing, writing pens, ink, paper, medical supplies, a doctor, etc. You get my drift. They had to pre-plan for every contingency to be successful in their journey from England to America. They had to think carefully about every detail, including weapons training in case of pirates, or other hostiles along the way.
THAT is the meaning of this word “perfect” or equipped.
SO All scripture is God Breathed, profitable for Doctrine – (what to believe, and how to live) Reproof – (gentle reminder to help get us back on track to Believe and live the Word) and Correction – (more pointed to wake us up, once we’ve practiced the wrong way so long it becomes the right way for us, and to put us back to right believing, and living).
So that we, the men of God, can be outfitted, completely equipped to handle anything thrown at us from any opponent, or any direction to be successful in doing good works.
Jesus said we’d do the works he did and Greater Works. We are the only Jesus, people can see now, because he’s in Heaven with the Father, God. Now the spirit is in us – Christ in you.
We are to do his works healing, preaching/teaching the Word, raise the dead, set the captives free- cast out devils, etc. The GREATER Works is getting people Born Again, getting them saved.
THAT’S IT! Get saved, then work the Word into your life to live by God’s way of doing and being right. Build up your mind with God’s Word to defeat the Enemy, the devil, speaking and standing on the Truth, God’s Word. (Renew Your Mind) and live the Word’s way.
Then as Jesus’ followers and Disciples “Shine as a light” leading others to the Light – Jesus. In other words, as Pastor Corey says, help them get saved, healed, delivered, set free, and then learning how to live in God’s way of doing things (His Kingdom) where the Blessing abides.
Come to Church and Bible Studies to learn more.
Bless y’all!
John Jernigan