What Are You Thinking About “Becoming?”

How do you “become?”  Jesus knew how to become what God envisioned for him.  He knew that being a firstfruit required the ability to focus on the future.  What a real man Jesus was. 
Born into this world, possessing the pressure to save all of mankind. He would be the first and last man capable of doing this.  The character and behavior that he had to walk in daily was far from easy. 
It was amazing how he was able to walk the walk daily while others were running to maneuver schemes to destroy him.  He was walking while they were running and he still won the race.
•Becoming requires integrity.
•Becoming requires committment.
•Becoming requires diligence.
•Becoming requires good habits.
Jesus possessed all of these traits.  You can too.  It’s rare to find a man or woman who possesses such notable traits.  To walk in them daily and consistently will take practice.  What you do habitually is what you “become” daily. 
Rehearse in your mind where you want to be this time next year. 
Make this the best year of your life.  It will require your participation.  It will require miracles and blessings – good thing for you Jesus is capable of both.
“But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.” – 1 Corinthians 15:20